Introduction to the educational shorts

The five educational short films are based on the TV documentaries. The films are themed and each task and activity is related to the theme. Like the documentaries, the educational shorts are about Danish emigration to America between 1850 and 1920. During those 70 years, 350,000 Danes – about 10% of the total population at the time—immigrated to America. Poverty drove them to leave. Some were quick to find prosperity and happiness, but for most it was hard going. The Danes made their mark on America and those marks now tell the story of dreams, disappointments, and the strong determination to create a better life than the one they left behind in Denmark.

The flight from Denmark 

FILM 1. In 1849 Denmark adopted its constitution, which meant to address servitude and wretchedness, but actually benefitted only one in six Danes. Poor farm laborers were still not allowed to own land, and without land they could not vote, trapped in the poverty that set off the great exodus to America. 
Assignments - film 1

Journey across the Ocean

FILM 2. The dream of America, where the streets flowed with gold, caused thousands of Danes to leave Denmark and brave the dangerous journey across the Atlantic, where the poor were crowded together like cattle at the bottom of the ship’s third class. Many died along the way. 

Assignments - film 2

The Destination of Dreams

FILM 3.  When New York’s skyscrapers appeared, they cheered the travelers who had reached the destination of their dreams. But before the journey could continue, immigrants had to be isolated and put through health checks. Once through this gate, the journey continued by train, wagon, or on foot, into the Promised Land.
Assignments - film 3

Life in America

FILM 4.  It was an extremely hard life that the first Danish immigrants encountered. Under fears of attacks by Indians, bears, and rattlesnakes, the harsh prairie soil had to be transformed into lush fields that would feed the quickly growing American population.

Asignments - film 4

Freedom and Future

FILM 5.  The 350,000 Danes who immigrated to America from 1850 to 1920 disappeared into the vast country and became Americans, but there were also Danes who contributed to development and left their traces in industry, art, and politics. The all-American hamburger was even created by a Danish smith from Farum.
Assignments - film 5
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