Extra assignments

Here you will find extra assignments for working with Danish migration to America. 

Assignment 1: Emigration

People can choose or be forced to move away from where they live. They emigrate from one place and immigrate to another. If it is against their will, they are called refugees.

The first photo shows Danes immigrating to America in the late 1800s. The second photo shows recent Syrian refugees going to Europe.

1. Using the photos as inspiration, write an essay about emigration/immigration in which you do the following:

- Reflect on why people choose to emigrate or flee.
- Describe how emigration and immigration impact people and society.
- Consider how you would react if you had leave your home country for another.

Be sure to give your essay a title.
Danes emigrating to America in the late 1800s.
Syrian refugees on the way towards Eurpoe in a boat. 

Assignment 2: Immigration to the United States

This overview shows the number of people who immigrated to the United States between 1820 and 1924. You can also see what percent of the population is made up of immigrants.

Immigration to the United States between 1820 - 1924

1820 - 30: 151, 824
1831 - 40: 599, 125
1841 - 50: 1,713, 251
1851 - 60: 2, 598, 214
1862 - 70: 2,314,824
1871 - 80: 2, 812, 191
1881 - 90: 5, 246, 613
1891 - 1900: 3, 687, 564
1901 - 10: 8, 795, 386
1911 - 20: 5, 735, 811
1921 - 24: 2, 344, 599

In total: 35, 999, 402

% of total US population foreign born between 1850 - 1920

1850: 9,7 %
1860: 13,2 %
1870: 14 %
1880: 13,3 %
1890: 14,7 %
1900: 13,6 %
1910: 14.7 %
1920: 13,2 %
1990: 8 %

1. How many immigrated to the United States between 1820 and 1900? What percentage is immigration between 1820 and 1900 compared to the whole period of 1820 to 1924?

2. Make a bar graph showing the proportion of Americans born in another country in the period 1850 – 1920. In which year are there the most foreign-born Americans? In which year the least?

Ellis Island is an island outside New York City. Between 1892 and 1954, anyone who wanted to immigrate to the United States had to pass through the immigration station on the island. 16 million people passed through Ellis Island during the years it was open.

3. How many people entered the United States per year on average? How many people, on average, entered per day?

Between 1865 and 1914, an estimated 300,000 Danes immigrated to the United States. The total Danish population in 1914 was about 3 million.

4. How large a percentage of the Danish population immigrated to the United States? Illustrate this using a pie chart.
Emigrants arrive at Ellis Island.

Assignment 3: Questions for discussion

These questions can be used for discussion, further research, writing, and other student projects.

  • What are the similarities and differences between Danish immigration to the United States in the 19th century and today's migration to Denmark? 
  • How was 19th century Danish immigration similar or different to immigration to the United States today?
  • How has immigration, both past and present, influenced Danish culture?
  • How has immigration, both past and present, influenced American culture?
  • Are there Danish foods made and eaten in America today? If so, what are they? Are they the same as in Denmark?
  • Why did certain groups of the Danish population immigrate to America?
  • Who found happiness in America and how?
  • Why and how did Danish-centered towns become established in America?
  • What consequences did immigration to the United States have for the Native Americans (Indians)?
  • Is it ethical to reject people on their way to the United States if they have a contagious disease?
  • What role do Mormons play in American society today?
  • What stories of migration come from religious texts, and are there any similarities to the story of immigration to the United States in the 19th century?
  • What role do religious beliefs play in the American and Danish societies today?
Other Resources

- Find newspaper articles, letters, photographs, etc. at https://arkiv.dk/
(Select English by clicking the flag at the bottom of the page.)

- DR [Danmarks Radio] documentary about Elk Horn: www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xo3mGCZdvB0

- Copenhagen Police Emigration Database (select “English” in the drop-down menu at the top): www.udvandrerarkivet.dk/udvandrerprotokollerne/

- Danish immigration via the Museum of Danish America (Elk Horn, Iowa):

- “Danish Americans” (John Mark Nielsen and Peter L. Petersen):
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